Current Turn-Ons

Appalachian Tropicals down the street, an orchid and air plant boutique in the mountains. Oh my stars, really? When I first walked in there I could hardly believe it existed. It’s incredible in there. Orchids are the most beautiful bewitching-alien plants come to visit us and remind us how devastatingly creative Source is.

Red heart sunglasses. I need not say more.

Bali, we are going to Bali! Oh Bali, I have dreamt about you for so long… your flower offerings, your love for the arts, your dance, your water-temples…. I hear you are the heart-chakra of the Earth. I am so so thankful we are coming to create on your land. What a blessing, thank you!

Creating offerings with artist sister-friends. Ahh, also in sweet-prep for Bali.

Tropical mother-like trees. Oh the Banyan, how you amaze me! You are a Universe unto yourself. Also the live-oak. Your thick trunks and magic, your deep roots. You house so much life, I bow to you.

Painting, art, movement, magic and ritual steps away from the beach. Come join us early next year…(a few spots left). You will adore my co-host too, she is an incredible guide.

Collaboration painting with artist sisters. This one done by myself, Miranda Wildman, and Cathy Nichols. Soooo much fun. So much learning. I highly recommend trying collaboration art for yourself. It’s a beautiful give and take. I find it easier than painting alone! The results are soooo delicious. Just dooze it.

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